Thursday, May 20, 2010

Working hard or hardly working?

Definitely working hard here! Made it to the gym this morning. Here's what I did:

Elliptical: 35 minutes/391 calories
Biangular chest press: 3x10 25 lbs
Shoulder press: 3x10 37.5 lbs
Biangular lat pull: 3x10 62 lbs
Biangular lat row: 3x10 50 lbs
Pectoral: 3x10 35 lbs
Deltoids: 3x10 35 lbs
Bicep curl: 3x10 10 lbs
Tricep curl: 3x10 10 lbs
Abs: 5x10 20 lbs

Whew did I get sweaty. As you can see from my weights, I'm decently strong. I used to be stronger, a lot stronger. And it makes me sad that I've lost that muscular ability. But, I'm on my way back. Tomorrow I'll do lower body so I can post that as well.

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