Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day One

Day one of the rest of my I'm not that predictable. I promise.

Here where I am in Michigan it's gorgeous out. We've had some really crappy weather lately and it didn't really feel like May. But today? GLORIOUS. I went for a car ride (to buy a new camera) and it was perfect driving weather.

Anyways, down to the good stuff.

This is me.

This is the latest (as of all but two hours ago) picture of me. I was going to the gym hence the workout clothes. I had done all what I needed to do today so I went skipping (aka walking) to the gym on this beautiful day.

All I can say is: When did my belly get even with my boobs? Like seriously. I had NO IDEA when it happened. And I'm kind of sad my body has gotten to this. I mean...whoa. I'm not being vain or pretending to be clueless here. Until I took this picture, I had no idea my belly had gotten that...far.

But, no more Negative Nancy stuff here. Nope. NADA.

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