Sunday, May 23, 2010

The weekend

Well it was a busy weekend. I worked kind of a lot. And because my gym is the gym here at my school, it was opened really strange times on Saturday and Sunday. I was at work the whole time it was open on Saturday and today I just lack the motivation to go. But I must go. Because I told myself I would.

It's so hard when my to do list is 50 pages long. The first thing to go is always going to the gym, then it's friends, then sleep, then eating properly, ect. I need to clean my room so bad right now, but it's not going to happen because I have 8 physic problems due tomorrow and they take me FOREVER to do.

It's just a frustrating day.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby did a bad, bad thing

I went to the bar last night to celebrate my friend's 21st birthday. And I was bad. I drank WAAAAAY too much. I was so hungover when I woke up that I couldn't figure out how to turn off my alarm clock. Why I thought I would be any kind of productive in class was also another mystery. But, I had to go to class. I'm paying too much for it to skip it.

I was so good yesterday until I got to the bar. I had just gotten into a fight with another friend and was emotional because of it. And I tend to be an emotional drinker; which is bad I know. I usually keep myself in check but once that frothy beverage hit my lips, it was all over.

I'm going to stop drinking for awhile. I think it's best for my battle plan and emotional well being if I do. An occasional beer at home is fine, but I am not going to the bar.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Working hard or hardly working?

Definitely working hard here! Made it to the gym this morning. Here's what I did:

Elliptical: 35 minutes/391 calories
Biangular chest press: 3x10 25 lbs
Shoulder press: 3x10 37.5 lbs
Biangular lat pull: 3x10 62 lbs
Biangular lat row: 3x10 50 lbs
Pectoral: 3x10 35 lbs
Deltoids: 3x10 35 lbs
Bicep curl: 3x10 10 lbs
Tricep curl: 3x10 10 lbs
Abs: 5x10 20 lbs

Whew did I get sweaty. As you can see from my weights, I'm decently strong. I used to be stronger, a lot stronger. And it makes me sad that I've lost that muscular ability. But, I'm on my way back. Tomorrow I'll do lower body so I can post that as well.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day One

Day one of the rest of my I'm not that predictable. I promise.

Here where I am in Michigan it's gorgeous out. We've had some really crappy weather lately and it didn't really feel like May. But today? GLORIOUS. I went for a car ride (to buy a new camera) and it was perfect driving weather.

Anyways, down to the good stuff.

This is me.

This is the latest (as of all but two hours ago) picture of me. I was going to the gym hence the workout clothes. I had done all what I needed to do today so I went skipping (aka walking) to the gym on this beautiful day.

All I can say is: When did my belly get even with my boobs? Like seriously. I had NO IDEA when it happened. And I'm kind of sad my body has gotten to this. I mean...whoa. I'm not being vain or pretending to be clueless here. Until I took this picture, I had no idea my belly had gotten that...far.

But, no more Negative Nancy stuff here. Nope. NADA.

And it starts...again.

Ever fall off the band wagon and then go screaming after it? But then you have to stop because you're so out of breath because you're so out of shape that you just give up running and go get ice cream? Yeah, I feel you.

I'm 25 years old and fat. Wait a minute, I've always been fat or larger or however else you want to sugar coat it. I've always been happy though. Well, not always. I've been mostly happy. Some days I just look in the mirror and sigh. Those sighing days have been increasing in number as of late and I'm tired of sighing. Who wants to go around sighing every time they see their reflection?!? Not me that's for damn sure.

So here I am. Putting my weight loss battle on the world wide web for all to see.

And let me clarify. I call it a battle. Because it is a battle. Tooth and nail, I'm going to have to take out my earrings for this one, battle. Some people call it a journey, or a goal, and that's fine. But not me.

It's me versus every bad habit I have. Every thought I have about eating an entire thing of ice cream. Every morning I want to sleep that extra hour instead of going to the gym. It is a battle.

It's day one of the battle that this time I am going to win.

This is my last summer before I graduate from college. My last "it's okay I'm a college student" summer. But this summer, it's going to be different. This summer I'm using to take my body back. I'm paying for my life with this summer. Because if things don't change now, I don't know how many summers I'm going to have left.

Thank you for joining me on my battle.